Invoking Tony
( Bloggers, friends, and countrymen, lend me your minds. Today my dear friend Josephine Mori will guest-blogging on the LPG. Josephine is a talented writer, editor, and all-around fabulous human being. Please do give her a read.) A writer buddy and I had been noodling a short story, ping ponging segments between us. It became a game and went on for a couple years. Finally, we finished it. Buddy remarks it has graphic novel potential. Not what you say to a devoted text jockey. Quivers down my back bone, tremors in my thighbone. I placate and misdirect. But every so often buddy tweaks me about it. Like some Word doc. Jaws, the story won’t go away. Then, a bizarre thing happens—-a Facebook friend request from one Tony Talbert. We have no mutual friends, groups or pages. Yet somehow it doesn’t vibe the usual spurious friend requests we all get. Curious, I look him up and turns out he’s a fantastic artist: fine art and comic book art. Tony and I connect. ...