Photo Finish

“You are not stuck unless you decide to be.” – Wayne Dyer

As a born and bred New Yorker, I’m accustomed to strangers approaching me to make even stranger requests.

People tend to be begging for money, asking for directions or trying to save your soul.

I usually give folks in that last category directions straight to hell.

These stranger interruptus experiences have been severely curtailed by COVID-19, as it’s kind of hard to run into people when you hardly run out of your house.

And it’s really tough to rattle a tin cup on Zoom.

While I’ve saved a bundle in small change during this freakish time, I’ve also been so hard up for human contact that I’m tempted to allow some religious loon shriek bible verses at me—as long as he’s wearing a mask.

The other day I was caught completely off guard when I walked into my gym’s locker room and this shirtless stranger actually…spoke to me.

“Excuse me…can you take my picture…?”

I paused for a moment as I slowly realized that a live human being was addressing me. Yeah, we used to do a lot of that kind of thing, didn’t we?

Perhaps I should say something back.

“Your picture…?”

“Yes,” the fellow said. “I’m trying to lose some weight.”

This gentleman was a bit on the heavy side and he explained that his diet had gone off the caloric rails during the Covid-19 shutdown and he wanted to get rid of the excess baggage.

The photos are intended to help him track his progress.

Watch the Birdie

I’ve done gym photo requests before. A dude at the City Hall location once asked me to record him as he pounded out a bench press and I was only too happy to comply.

But while the City Hall dude was in tremendous shape, this fellow before me needed a lot more work—and a lot more support.

He had gotten lost during a very trying time and now, as the world inches toward normalcy, he wanted to regain his health and improve his life.

The least I could do is snap a few photos.

I grabbed his camera and had him pose for front, back, and profile shots. And I encouraged him to stick with his diet and exercise program.

I had dropped some weight a few years ago and I know how difficult it can be to keep it off even in the best of times.

I’ve been trying to make some changes in my life, too, only this makeover can’t be captured with a camera.

Hostility, regret, depression, all these toxic emotions that suppress happiness and stifle my progress. It been rather difficult trying to corral these feelings during the Plague Year.

The great philosopher David Bowie, who gave us “I am the DJ,” also sang about putting out fires with gasoline. Isolation can really torch up your mind if you’re not careful.

I know that I admit defeat far too easily. I’m ready to shout “all is lost” even before the ship has even left the harbor.

This is another path to the comfort zone, since giving up guarantees nothing in your life will change.

I’ve been trying to give my language a makeover as that’s where a lot trouble –or success begins.

A couple times in the last month, I’ve loudly declared that “I’m having a bad morning” when things didn’t go my way at the office.

Now, I immediately stop and revise my dialog to say “I’m making it a bad morning.”

The implication here is that if I have the power to make something bad, I can make it good.

I hope my gym buddy meets his goals. I want to be there to take those “after” photos.


Bijoux said…
Wow, it’s been a long time since someone wanted me to actually touch their phone in order to take a picture! Lol!

Those are good reminders for us on a dreary Monday morning, Rob. “I can make it good!” Now let’s make it a good week.
Ron said…
"I usually give folks in that last category directions straight to hell."

OMG, Rob...laughed my ass off at that. BRILLIANT response!!! And being a city dweller myself, I know EXACTLY what you mean.

Once again, wonderful about-life post! And love what you said here..."The implication here is that if I have the power to make something bad, I can make it good."...because you are so right! This why every morning before getting out of bed, I say to myself, "What do I intend today? And what am I going to contribute to the world?" It really seems to keep me from getting distracted from all the negative stuff going on in the world right now.

Thanks so much for sharing, buddy. And have an awesome week!
Rob K said…
Hey, Ron, how's it going? We city dwellers know what it's like to constantly be hit up for something.

"What do I intend today? And what am I going to contribute to the world?"

Oh, what a fantastic way to start the day! I make similar notes each morning in my journal each morning.

And I've been trying to do daily check-ins at noon and early evening to make sure I'm still on target.

Thanks for stopping by, buddy. Have a great week!
Rob K said…


Yeah, the phone is kind of weird in Plague World.

Great advice about making it a good week! Hope yours is a blast!
It's great that you are able to get out more, Rob. as for the fellow at the gym, I can understand getting lost in matters of weight during the world shutdown. But good for him to getting back on track and hope he makes it. As for shedding some of the things you mentioned, some toxins are harder to shed than others, but I think you are on the right track from what you have written here. Good luck both to you and the fellow in the gym on making your goals.
Rob K said…

Hi, Dorothy!

Thank you so much for kind and supportive comments! How right you are about those toxins. Some of them really can't take a hint!

Take care!

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