Singapore Sling

In 1994, an American teenager living in Singapore was sentenced to six strokes with a cane for stealing road signs and vandalizing cars.

I took a Singapore-related beating recently, but I never left Brooklyn.

My relationship with this Southeast Asian city state is pretty much limited to entertainment, such as Road to Singapore with Bob Hope and Bing Crosby, Saint Jack, a 1979 movie with Ben Gazzara, and a fabulous off-Broadway show called Song of Singapore that I saw sometime in 1990s.

Now this particular fiasco begins--like most of the others in my life--with me giving into panic.

I was attempting to interview someone for a story I was working on.

I was on a tight deadline and the individual I wanted to speak with lives in Singapore, which 13 hours ahead of New York.

The person called me at the expected time, I picked up the phone and…the line went dead.

Naturally, I freaked out. I had to speak with this man right this minute, so I called him back on my I-phone and got my interview. End of story.

Well, not quite.

A short time later a message flashed on across my I-phone’s screen.

“You will be charge $62 for the most recent call.”

The message vanished instantly, and I prayed that I had been hallucinating, but I knew the ugly truth. I was getting caned right across my wallet.

How do you say “WTF” in Malay?

I tried calling my cell phone carrier, but that was a disaster unto itself as I couldn’t get speak to a live operator unless I scheduled a call on the company’s app and I couldn’t remember my password to use the damn app.

When I finally got all the grief out of the way, I was told the bill hadn’t showed up in the billing system yet and I had to call back in a week.

Ready For Fun…Fight…of a South Seas Romance…

I was sick to my stomach. How could I be so stupid? And more importantly, how exactly was I going to contest this bill?

I had made the damn call. Nobody put a gun to my head.

And saying that I wasn’t aware of these obscene long-distance charges sounded lame even to me—and I was the one getting hosed.

I didn’t want to put this call on my expense account, since I had not cleared it with my bosses before ringing up Singapore.

What really irked me was that I’m sure this man would’ve called me back if I had just waited a few moments.

The days went by, and I gradually accepted the situation. I still planned on contesting the bill, but I sincerely doubted my phone company would cut me a break.

I thought of threatening to take my business elsewhere, but this outfit is massive, and I don’t think they’d lose any sleep over my departure.

Finally, nearly a week after the call, I got through to a human being who had all the pertinent information. And so, I started my pitch.

“I’m hoping we can settle this amicably…” I began.

I acknowledged my error, I reminded the operator that I had been a loyal customer for many years and I railed against the outrageous fees they were charging.

I think I might have tossed in the word “usury” but I’m not sure now.

But I’m happy to say I didn’t scream, swear, cry or faint. I consider that progress.

After my spiel, the operator put me on a hold for a few moments.

“We can reduce your bill by $30,” she told me upon her return.

“Let’s make it $40,” I quickly responded.

She readily agreed, which suggests to me that they know these fees are exorbitant.

I’m not happy about wasting money like that, but at least I reduced the damage and put this whole sorry mess behind me.

You can’t beat that with a cane.


Bijoux said…
That would have freaked me out. I’ve been dealing with my own cell phone issues, switching carriers. Nothing is ever easy and the whole user name/password/pin business drives me insane. I’m glad you got your bill reduced.
Ron said…
Good for you Rob for contesting the bill and ended up paying $22 instead of $62. Like you said, these companies charge outrageous fees (which go up and up every year), so it's not like they're losing anything by giving a customer a break; particularly a loyal customer like you.

I had this happen to me when I was in the hospital back in 2015 and used the phone in my hospital room to make 3 local calls while I was there. Come to find out, after I got out of the hospital, the hospital charged my HOME phone company $80.00 for those calls. OMG, I was furious! Luckily, my phone company took the charge off my bill because the hospital never told me that they were going to do that. I ended up not paying a single penny for those calls. HA!

Glad things worked out for you. Have an awesome week, buddy!

P.S. Love your post title!!!
Rob K said…

Hey, Ron, what's going on?

$80 for three local calls?!? It's a wonder you didn't go back into the hospital after getting your bill!

Good for you for fighting these crooks! They will do whatever they can get away with.

Like my father used to say, you have to have as much nerve as they have.

Take care, buddy!
Rob K said…

Hey, Bijoux, what's new?

Cell phones are supposed to make our lives easier, but some days I really wonder.

And that user/pin misery is the worst!

Take care!
Rajani Rehana said…
Great blog

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