Ask Me No Questions

Does the Fifth Amendment apply to dating?

It can get pretty lonely out here in Covid-land. I rarely go out and when I do, I don’t go far.

There are days when I never lay eyes on another human being.

I would like to have a significant other, but I'm a little nervous about meeting strangers due to the pandemic.

Where does one go when so many places are shut down?

And while many restaurants are serving people outside, that’s not going to last much longer as winter sets in.

But being alone isn’t very appealing either and I don’t want to use the coronavirus as yet another excuse not to meet people.

I recently began corresponding with a womam I “met” on Facebook’s dating site and we seemed to be getting along pretty well. And then I suggested we speak on the phone.

“A few questions first,” she replied, and proceed to unleash a slew of queries that made me feel like I was applying for a job at a nuclear power plant:

Do you smoke cigarettes, vape, cigars or marijuana? Do you take any illegal drugs? Do you have tattoos? Have you ever been arrested?

Okay, let me just step in here and say no, no, no, and no. And now back to the Inquisition:

Do you drink alcohol? How much do you drink and how often? How many times a week do you go to bars normally?

Are You Now or Have You Ever Been…?

Prior to the pandemic, I drank occasionally and rarely went to bars. But something about these questions makes me want to go on a five-day Prosecco binge.

Let’s continue, shall we?

What type of relationship are you looking for? How long do you expect it to last? What is the longest intimate relationship you’ve ever had? Have you ever been married? Are you divorced or widowed? What kind of sports activities do participate in (not watch)? Do you like or dislike Trump?

These seem like reasonable questions, except for that one about how long do I expect the relationship to last.

Do I like a freaking fortune teller?

But there was something about this blitzkrieg interrogation that I found rather off-putting. Sure, you’d like to know all these things about someone, but I think people should talk to each other.

The nice lady from the Census Bureau didn’t ask me so many questions and she gets paid to mind everybody’s business. (I wonder if she’s single…?)

And this woman seemed to have the questions all ready to go, like she was handing out a form at the doctor’s office.

Nobody likes to get burned on a relationship, but all the questions in the world aren’t going to prevent that.

People can give the right answers, check all the boxes, brush after every meal, and still go full-tilt looney on you.

This is dating, not calculus.

On Friday night I walked by a local restaurant and I saw a couple seated outside eating their dinner inside a large plastic bubble.

It looked weird, but that’s the age we’re in, and, unlike me, at least they were trying to get out into the world.

So, I’m going to make another attempt of escaping my own bubble. Just don’t ask me so many damn questions.


Ron said…
OMG Rob, you made me laugh in the way you described her intense interrogation prior to merely talking to you on the phone. WTF?!?

"But something about these questions makes me want to go on a five-day Prosecco binge."

HA! It would make me do the same thing!

And yes, even by the way you wrote this post, I could tell that she most likely had "pre-screening" questions that she read from a form she had typed up and was most likely crossing off each question with your answers.


But I got to hand it to you, at least you made the effort to reach out to meet someone and were willing to progress beyond chatting on FB.

I have met many people who have made great connections via the Internet, and even got married. So, don't give up, buddy!

I applaud your willingness!

And have a faaaaaaaaaabulous week!

P.S. Love the photo you used of Victor Mature begin interrogated!
Rob K said…
Hey, Ron, thank's so much for your nice comments.

I have to be honest, this Q&A thing just turned me off. That's why I jumped on that Victor Mature image.

Obviously, this woman has the right to ask questions, but in the immortal words of Joan Rivers, can we talk?!

Yeah, I am trying to connect with someone, but it's small steps to be sure.

Take care, buddy!!

Bijoux said…
Oh for crying out loud! I’m sure the STD test is next in her line of questioning. I’ve never heard of someone screening a potential date with that much vigor. Maybe she’s just had really bad experiences before?
Rob K said…
Hi, Bijoux!

Yes, I suspect that she must have had some rough times in the past. And honestly, I'm not offended by her questions...just kind of turned off.

Take care!
Hi Rob, that was some series of questions and quite frankly you hung in there longer than I might have done. My husband (Patrick) often tells me I have no patience and he is right. I can understand your situation, but want to say that there is hope of one day meeting someone not so interrogative or at least someone who is more pleasant.

And I speak from experience as I have met both husbands way before there were such things as Facebook dating.

Husband #1 was met through a personal ad and a P.O. box #; that union lasted about 8 years until he cheated, a BIG no-no for me, cue in divorce. Husband #2 and I met 23 years ago through an online web personals site, which years ago was way less involved than now. He answered my personal ad and we exchanged emails for at least 3 months before meeting face-to-face. We lived in the same state (NJ) but 80 miles apart and had different work schedules. He was a firefighter and my job was in a corporate environment with various deadlines. We would send each other questions related to what we liked, disliked, etc. We never talked on the phone until the night before we met! When we finally did it felt like we "knew" each other because of all the emails (no texting back then) and we each brought a stack of photos to show the family members we had talked about. Long story short the first date lasted a very long time...and we have been married for 21 years.

So, my friend, there is hope. The coronavirus is even putting a damper on people who already know one another to be able to get together. So the world has become a much lonelier place for lots of folks. You are not alone, Rob.
Rob K said…

Oh, Beatrice, thank you so much for these lovely comments--and please do forgive my tardy response.

I am so grateful that you shared your personal experiences with us. And I am so happy for you that Husband #2 worked out so well.

That story is beautiful and inspiring: it really made my day and gave me hope. It's so nice to know what there are kind, supportive people like you in this world.

You really cheered up this grumpy old bachelor!

Thanks again and do take care!

Glad to hear the kind words about out "meet-cute" story (heard that line in The Holiday movie and liked it) and that our story made you smile. We enjoy sharing it because there really are nice folks, like ourselves and yourself out there...they just haven't connected yet.

BTW I am so glad that I found your blog through Ron's as your posts, while not as frequent as many (and believe me that's OK) are thoughtful, provocative and always interesting. People blog for many reasons, but some posts are not as inviting or interesting to me on a daily basis. Thanks, Rob
Sounds like the woman must have been burned quite badly in the past and has created a screening process. I would have found the questioning a bit disconcerting as well, particularly if she sounded like she had a prepared set of questions ready to shoot off. I hope everything works out for you in the end and that you find someone really special to share your time with.
Rob K said…
@Beatrice, Yes, I did really enjoy your "meet cute" story and thanks again for your kindness!

I've toned down the blogging to once a week, unless something major happens in my life. It seems to work for me.

And it means a lot to me that you find these posts interesting. Some days I really wonder if they make any sense.

Take care!
Rob K said…
@Liberty Belle:

Thank you so much for stopping by! I really appreciate your comments and your kindness.

I feel so fortunate having met so many wonderful people through blogging.

All the best!

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