Cheese and Thank You

And I still have all that cheese.

Last week started off like a blindfolded bronco ride through the darkest regions of Hell, but I somehow managed to survive.

First I got sick or had an allergy attack or pissed off some local witch who put the horns on me, but whatever it was, I started coughing and sneezing and dragging myself through life like I was half-dead.

It sucks to be sick, of course, and it sucks even harder to get sick in the summer, my favorite time of year when I like to think I have temporary immunity all those nasty germs and viruses just waiting to lay me low as soon as the mercury goes south.

And what made things worse was the fact that I was scheduled to do a reading with my most wonderful writing class on Thursday.

My sister was coming to watch and one of my classmates was zooming in from her new home in Tucson for God’s sake. And now I get sick?

But the real Horatio Hornblower of the week was when my local laundromat, where I’ve been going for years, lost my laundry.

I’m not talking about a missing sock or a misplace dishrag. I’m talking about the entire load—the kit, the caboodle, and the kitchen sink. My clothes simply vanished and the ladies in charge had no idea what had happened to them.

I swore that if I got my hands on that witch who had hexed my life, I was going to ram her broomstick someplace where the full moon don’t shine.

But then I forced myself to calm down. The laundry owner said he’d look for my stuff and promised to reimburse me if he couldn’t locate the load.

As far as my health, whatever illness I had would soon pass. I was well enough to stand and read for 8 minutes and listen for the rest of the evening.

At night, I tinkered with the section I planned on reading and then I rehearsed, reciting it aloud and using a stopwatch to make sure I didn’t go over the allotted time.

Yes, I rehearsed. I didn’t leave things to chance like I’ve done far too often in my life; I didn’t rely on luck, pixies, voodoo, magic spells, astrology, good intentions or the Keebler elves.

I knew that if I wanted to do well on Thursday night I would have to work at it.

Gouda for You

I would have to force myself to speak slowly—instead of my greased tommy gun style of flapping my gums to a blur—and enunciate each and every word, as opposed to spewing a sonic stew of vowels and consonants and letting the listeners try and sort them out.

I would have to speak like a human being.

I started to feel a little better as the week went on, but the rehearsals kept getting worse, so by Wednesday night I was stumbling over phrases and lines I thought I had nailed down.

I could hear Horatio Horblower warming up his lungs in the wings, getting ready to blast Thursday’s reading into dust.

I did one last rehearsal at my office on Thursday and then went down to the American Can Company, a fabulous location on Third Street in Park Slope for the reading.

I met up with my sister, Joan, my teacher, Rosemary, and all my writing class buddies.

The evening was broken up into two sections and I was the last one to read in the first section—right before the bathroom break.

When it was my turn to read, I just forgot to be afraid.

I guess I was so worn out with all the worry that I didn’t have any energy left at the podium. I’m not sure why, but I was relaxed to the max.

There were a couple of rough spots, as you’ll have in life, but I did get the words out, and I had a great time doing it.

Afterward the readings, we had wine and cheese and great conversation. And as Rosemary was cleaning up, she asked me the question for the ages.

“Rob, do you like cheese?”

Hold up a second. Was this woman seriously asking me, a registered cheese-aholic if I wanted to take all those delectable leftover cubes of edible ecstasy back to mi casa?

That’s like asking Long John Silver if he likes parrots. Yo, girl, put that shit in a sack and call me a taxi. I’m late for my one-man cheese orgy.

So, it’s Sunday and I’m feeling much better, aside from a meteoric spike in my cholesterol levels and God alone knows how many extra pounds I slapped on my middle thanks to Rosemary’s cheese award.

And my wash has been recovered. There’s a bit of language barrier between me and the ladies at the laundry so I don’t know exactly what went wrong—maybe the witch couldn’t fit into my underwear—but the important thing is I got my goods back.

So, Hell Week turned out heavenly, I rode that bronco right into the corral, and now I need to celebrate.

I think I’ll have a piece of cheese.


Ron said…
Rob, first, that's such an faaaabulous photograph of you and your writing class members. I love the room - the wood floors and walls. VERY cool!

Second, I too got sick last week. I had some kind of cold (congestion, coughing, and sneezing). I feel fine now, but last week I felt like crap. And you're right, getting a cold during the summer sucks.

"When it was my turn to read, I just forgot to be afraid." That's AWESOME! BRAVO! Isn't it something how when you finally let got of worry, out of exhaustion, everything falls into place. That's how it was when I would get so worked up before opening night in the theater. I would be freaking out all day, but when the moment came for me to step onstage, it all came together.

I too am a HUGE fan of cheese. Thank god I don't have any lactose intolerance because I would die if couldn't eat cheese. I don't eat it everyday, but several times a week. I LOVE CHEESE!!!!!!!!!!!!

Happy to hear that they located your laundry. Whew!

Have a super week, buddy!
Rob K said…
Hey, Ron, how's it going?

Thanks so much! That American Can Co. is a beautiful old timey building that used to be a factory. The location was pretty scary back in the 70s and 80s, but it's cool now.

My classmates are wonderful people and I just love them all. I've learned so much from these people and I'm very grateful to have them as my friends.

And we were both sick at the same time! Maybe the same witch is gunning for us!

Take care, buddy, have a great week, and when in doubt, eat more cheese!!
Bijoux said…
That looks like a great group of folks! I'm so glad that your reading went well, despite not feeling 100%. Bizarre about the missing laundry and I guess with the language barrier, you'll never know exactly where it went for a brief sojourn!
Cheese. Now, maybe we could turn this into one of those UK vs USA type of competitions? :-) Like the Women's World Cup? :-D (after all, I do have a British passport) When it comes to cheese, all bets are off and so are gloves. :-) Bring it on!

Glad you recovered (both your health and your laundry).

Greetings from London.
Rob K said…
Hey, Mario, great to hear from you!

Now, you know I love you, but if you're talking about a cheese-eating duel, you have bitten off more than you can chew, my brother! I could eat my way around the world if you lay down a trail of cheese.

Of course, the great thing about such a contest is that either way, we get to consume mounds of our favorite (favourite?) food group!

Take care, my friend, and start limbering up your insides!
Rob K said…
@ Bijoux:

Oh, they are a great group of people, Bijoux! Talented, creative, supportive--they are the best! As far the laundry, we'll never know the whole story, but I'm just glad I got all my stuff back!

Take care!

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