Storm Update

Hey, blog buddies:

I'm writing to you from an undisclosed location (my sister's apartment) because the degenerate goofballs at Time Warner still can't get my internet connection going. Is this the 21st Century or what?

I hope all of you are safe and well. I did get my MRI done on Wednesday, but since my specialist is located in lower Manhattan, and thus out of power, I don't know what the next step will be.

I'll be posting and catching up on your blogs as soon as I can. I thank you all for your concern and please do me a favor and take care of yourselves!

See you soon.


Ron said…
Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaay, Rob, I am soooo relieved to see that you posted with an update because I've been VERY concerned and worried about you, seeing all the destruction in Brooklyn.

I had a feeling you were at your sister's apartment. Glad to hear you're safe and sound.

You take care, buddy! Have a great weekend and I'll see ya soon!
Calamity Jen said…
I'm so glad that you were (mostly) spared by the storm.
So good to know you are OK, with regard to Sandy! Thanks for popping in with an update.

Good to hear your MRI is done too. Now we just have to hope for a result that they can DO something about! Fingers crossed on that one.
Rob K said…
Thanks, all!!

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