Blogfest is Coming!

The Third Annual Brooklyn Blogfest, a gathering of Brooklyn bloggers who write about their neighborhoods and anything else that matters to them, will be happening on Thursday, May 8.

If you're a blogger, an aspiring blogger, or you just love Brooklyn, come on down.

The event was founded and is organized by Louise Crawford of Only the Blog Knows Brooklyn.

Every year, the number of participants in the Blogfest doubles and this year will prove to be no exception.

And now for some details...

WHEN: Thursday, May 8 at 8 pm

WHERE: The Brooklyn Lyceum
227 Fourth Avenue at President's Street, Park Slope

ADMISSION: $10, Students $5

I went to last year's Blogfest and I had a blast. I met a group of very cool, talented people and we've been getting together about once a month in various Brooklyn neighborhoods ever since.

If it wasn't for this group, I would never have taken a ride on the G train and that alone was quite an experience.

I've been pretty much the only blogger representing Bay Ridge and I would like to see that change. I know there are a lot of fine bloggers in my neck of the woods and I would love to see you at the Blogfest.

For more information--what, you need more?--check out or


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