American Carnage

Too soon?

That's what we hear every time some heavily armed psycho gets hold of a terrifying weapon of personal destruction and kills innocent people.

While the victims' friends and family are still reeling from the unimaginable loss of their loved ones, the gun lobby and their whores in congress swoop in to make sure nothing ever changes.

It's too soon to talk about gun control, they say, it's disrespects the victims. We can't politicize this tragedy, they say, as if they actually give a shit.

And so the story fades from the news cycle, the dead are forgotten, and the scene is set for the next horrific attack.

But don't worry: these brave souls are ready to take action against the real villains here-computer games and movies. Yes, of course, that makes perfect sense.

Except when you realize that American movies and computer games are viewed and played all over the world and these countries don't seem to have the mass shootings that we do.

Gee, do you think it might have something to do with the guns? Nah….

The latest slaughter was in Parkland, Florida on Wednesday, where Nikolas Cruz allegedly gunned down 14 students and three staff members using the mass shooter's weapon of choice, the AR-15.

Cruz, who was photographed wearing a "Make America Great Hat," espoused "racist, homophobic and anti-Semitic views and displayed an obsession with violence and guns."

There's a brief cell phone video of students screaming and cowering in a classroom while the sound of gunfire rips through the air. Looking at this footage makes me ashamed to be an American.

The Las Vegas bump stock slaughter was in October, a month later we had the Texas church shooting, and here we are again with the funerals, the images of the fallen, and the sobbing survivors.

Gun Play

Oh, yeah, and of course, we get the "thoughts and prayers" routine, which for some strange reason don't seem to prevent these slaughters. Hard to believe, right?

The scumbag in the White House-I refuse to call him "President"-regurgitated some dribble about working with state and local leaders "to help secure our schools and tackle the difficult issue of mental health."

Why don't we start with yours?

Putin's hand puppet visited some of the wounded before dashing off to his compound at Mar-A-Largo, probably to play a few thousand rounds of golf and get his marching orders from Russia. It's a tough job, but somebody has to do it.

Making things so much worse was the news that FBI had received a tip last month that Cruz had a "desire to kill," access to guns and could be plotting an attack but failed to investigate.

And that scumbag in the White House is actually trying to use this screw-up to get out from under the Russia scandal. But what's really depressing is that you know there are vast numbers of idiots who believe him.

I would like to think that it's different this time, that the anger has grown to such a level that even those NRA stooges will be shamed into actually doing something in response to all these beautiful lives being snuffed out.

There are a lot of young people who are tired of seeing their classmates being gunned down and they're promising to make some changes.

I want to believe all that, I really do. But we've been down this road many times before and I still believe the pistol-packing pussy grabbers will stall and filibuster until the next massacre.

And then it'll be too soon all over again.


Bijoux said…
There's no end in sight. I'm watching Waco and the utter idiocy of the FBI and ATF has been going on for decades, so no surprise that nothing was done.

And what about the adults this lunatic was staying with, who knew he had that rifle? Meanwhile, I can't buy Sudafed without an ID. This country is headed towards the way of the Roman Empire.
Rob K said…
Hi, Bijoux:

This is about greed and delusion. We have politicians on the gun lobby payroll and we've got a portion of the population that absolutely worships guns. People somehow equate freedom with owning all sorts of obscene firepower.

Guns really do kill people and if you want the mass shootings to stop, then you're going have to pass stronger gun laws.
Jay said…
Rob, there are no words to truly express how I feel about all this. On the one hand I feel as if I have no right to have an opinion at all, since I'm not American, but on the other, yes, I damn well do! This is my planet too, these are people of flesh and blood - my brothers and sisters in humanity. I have dear friends in the US (including you), and while America is no longer the 'leader of the free world' (not since Trump got elected), what happens over there affects the rest of the world in many, many ways. We've discussed this ad nauseam on Facebook and we all know that the firearms supporters cannot be reasoned with, and that the rest of us can do nothing with the way things are right now. Just let me say that all of you decent, right-minded people have my sincere sympathy for all that you're going through. I cannot imagine how kids must feel having to go to school never knowing when a madman might burst into their classroom with an AR-15, how parents must feel sending their children off to school knowing it might happen. I have an inkling of how concert-goers must feel wondering if tonight is their night to take a bullet because of course we've had our share of terrorism here in the UK, but no child should be afraid for their lives when they go to school. No parent should be stressed out of their minds at having to send a child to be educated. I can only say ... I'm sorry.

Rob K said…
Jay, thank you so much for sharing your thoughts. You have every right to comment on this horrible situation.

The anger and frustration I feel is indescribable. Yet again we have to deal with the senseless slaughter of innocent children all because a handful of alleged "patriots" can't relinquish their psychotic grip on weapons of mass destruction.

And we have politicians on the gun lobby payroll who will keep taking their blood money no matter how much blood is shed in our schools, churches, and concert venues.

Trump got elected by stoking our fears of dark people and immigrants--along with the Russians, of course--but he's got nothing to say about our homegrown psychotics.

Take care and thanks for the "dear friend" designation. The feelings are most definitely mutual!

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