Goodnight, Smokey

Every Saturday, as I was leaving my sister’s home after our weekly pandemic sanity session, she would always remind me to say goodnight to Smokey.

Smokey was my sister’s cat and it is with the heaviest of hearts that I report this wonderful soul crossed the Rainbow Bridge last week.

He was 18 years old and he'd been having health issues for a while. It finally got to the point where my sister had to make that decision that I wouldn't wish on anyone.

A handsome fellow, Smokey was a regular fixture at our family’s various get-togethers over the years and I can honestly say that I liked him more than a lot of people in this world.

I got to see a lot more of Smokey after Covid-19 crashed into our lives.

The world was cut down to our immediate neighborhood back in those early days, so my sister and I got into a routine of an outing of some kind each week-preferably outdoors--followed by dinner and a movie.

Smokey was a vital part of those evenings. He would often sit on the couch with us and think nothing of walking over my lap to get where he wanted to go.

During this period, I became Smokey’s official photographer as I took tons of photos and put them up on Facebook and Instagram.

He developed quite a following and I was touched by all the kind comments people posted after he died.

Hold That Posee

Smokey needed to be hydrated and on occasion, I held the IV stand while my sister and her neighbor inserted the needle and held him steady.

As soon as that needle came out, Smokey would take off.

One of my favorite photos is Smokey sitting on the couch in my sister’s living room and giving me the stink eye.

I don’t what I did to rub him the wrong way--—maybe he associated me with those IV treatments—but he looked royally pissed.

Fortunately, he got over whatever was bugging him and we became friends again.

This has been a tough time for pet owners. I resumed my wonderful writing class on Thursday and one of our classmates told us that she had to put her cat down.

We’ve been holding the class on Zoom since the pandemic began and my friend’s cat would invariably jump onto her lap whenever she started to read her work.

And then former President Barack Obama announced that his dog, Bo, had died. He was 12 years old and was suffering from cancer.

President Obama said the family had lost “a true friend and loyal companion.”

The same could be said about Smokey and all the other cats, dogs, and various animals who give us so much love and ask for so little in return. And it seems so cruel that we only have them for such a painfully short time.

My sister and I will continue our Saturday get-togethers, but it's going to be different without our four-legged brother.

Goodnight, Smokey, and thanks for all the good times.


Bijoux said…
Awww, that’s sad and I’m sorry to hear it. I’ve never heard of someone having to give a pet an IV in their home. I can’t imagine how difficult that must be. Pets have been such a source of companionship over the past year.
Ron said…
Rob, I'm sending you and your sister lots of love at this time because I know just how heavy the heart can be when you lose a pet. I had my cat (Jerry) for 20 years, so when he passed away, I literally mourned as if I had lost my closest and dearest friend.

I think the thing I most learned from my pets was the love they gave that was unconditional. We as humans can learn so much from our pets.

Love the photos your shared of Smokey. What a handsome boy!

Thanks so much for sharing this story, buddy. It's a reminder to us of just how much our pets touch our lives.
One of the poignancies of life is that as soon as you take an animal companion, you know that this day lies in the future. It is a sorrow that we know will will bear.

My thoughts are with you and your sister. Our own cat Selkie hits his 19th birthday in a week or so. He may get some special attention today.
Rob K said…
Thanks so much, Walter. I really feel badly for my sister. This will be the first time in decades where she doesn't have a cat in her house.

Sending all kinds of love to Selkie on his 19th birthday.
Rob K said…

Hey, buddy, thanks so much! That must've been terrible when you lost Jerry. Twenty years! You DID lose a close and dear friend!

You're so right: the love we get from pets is unconditional. I just wish humans could learn from them!

Take care!
Rob K said…

Thanks so much. My sister did everything she could possibly do take care of Smokey.

He was a great companion and he will be missed!
Rob, my condolences to your sister (and yourself) on the passing of her beloved Smoky as losing a pet is hard as so many of us well know, since they are like family members.

Sadly, I read an online article this morning that some pet owners who adopted during the pandemic are now bringing pets to shelters. How sad that is for the pet because the humans are obviously idiots.

We have had pets in previous years, dogs and cats, but are now pet less by choice. Still, we always appreciate other people's pets.
Rob K said…
Thank you so much, Dorothy. Smoky was indeed a member of the family.

I can't believe that people are bring pets to shelters. Pets give us so much; it's really infuriating that people would be so heartless.

I'm petless myself and I will not get a dog or a cat unless I am certain that I am ready for that commitment.

Take care.

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