Double Eclipse
I keep reaching for my ID card. I’ve been out of work for about three weeks now, but I’m so used to clipping my company ID card to my belt each morning that it feels weird leaving home without it. The photo of me is atrocious and that little piece of plastic makes me feel like an animal that’s been sedated, tagged, and released back into the wild, but now I must admit that it’s a little scary not having one. My sister-in-law is into astrology and I asked her to do a chart for me—yes, I’m that loopy—and she tells me that September will be marked by not one, but two eclipses, which in the zodiac world are signs of great change. What kind of change, whether good or bad, is not specified and we don’t have any say in the matter anyway. It’s just that I’ve had a big change already in seeing my magazine shutdown and the eclipses ain’t even here yet. My sister-in-law tells me that these events are important for the mutable signs, like Gemini, which covers yours truly. The people in ...