Mission Impossible

Whatever you're meant to do, do it now. The conditions are always impossible."--Doris Lessing.

Wow, does this guy know me or what?

I just read my horoscope as interpreted by Rob Brezsny on this, my 59th birthday, and his words went right to my soul.

He starts off with the above Doris Lessing quote and then tells me to take her advice to heart.

“It's senseless to tell yourself that you will finally get serious as soon as all the circumstances are perfect,” Mr. Brezny writes. “Perfection does not and will never exist. The future is now. You're as ready as you will ever be.”

Do it now? But I’m The Procrastinater, who puts everything off to some distant future time that will never get here. And now I can use my age as yet another excuse not to do anything about…anything.

Or perhaps not. Maybe I can take this celestial suggestion and make some changes. Why the hell not?

My company is very kindly giving employees their birthdays off in honor of the firm’s 100th anniversary so I treated myself to a long overdue doctor’s visit—where I learned I have to lose weight—and then a fabulous massage.

After that I went to the old Lincoln Savings Bank on Fifth Avenue where my mother used to sell life insurance and stood in the spot where my mother’s desk used to be.

I usually walk by this location quickly and surreptitiously bless myself as if I’m committing a crime.

But today I took my time. I stood on this holy patch of ground for several minutes and I thought about the woman who gave birth to me nearly 60 years ago this very day.

I got a few odd looks from the customers, but I didn’t care. I had every right to be here.

It’s been almost 14 years since my mother died and I still miss her so very much. I can’t have her back, but I can honor her memory by being happy and giving The Procrastinater the heave-ho.

The future is now.


Ron said…
Rob, first of all...HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!! And I am so glad you had the off and treated yourself to a fabulous massage. Way to go! Don't you feel amazing after a massage? I used to get them regularly when I lived in Florida and would feel like I was floating on air afterwards!

"But today I took my time. I stood on this holy patch of ground for several minutes and I thought about the woman who gave birth to me nearly 60 years ago this very day. I got a few odd looks from the customers, but I didn’t care. I had every right to be here."

Yes, you most certain did have the right to be there. And I bet your mother was looking from above, so very proud of you and sending her love.

It's true what you said, it's been four years since my own mother passed away and I still miss her.

Wishing you the BEST year ever, buddy!

Rob K said…
Hey, buddy, thank you so much for the birthday wishes!

Massages are indeed incredible. I got into the habit a few years ago when I heard that they are supposedly good for your immune system. And they're great for reducing stress.

And thank you for that lovely image of my mother! Now I've got to run and get some tissues!

You're the best friend a man could ever have, buddy, and I'm so glad I know you! Take care!

valerie said…
“It's senseless to tell yourself that you will finally get serious as soon as all the circumstances are perfect"

this is so true. i'm a procrastinator and there are things i should be doing but i am not.

a friend of mine told me this illustration she heard from a man giving a discourse. he gave everyone in the audience a small, round disc, maybe the size of a checker piece with the words tuit on it. as he started his discourse he asked if everyone had their round tuit. everyone did. he then said you are free to do all the things you said you would do, all the things holding you back when you get around to it. he said you now have your round tuit. no more excuses. there isn't a perfect time, the time is now.
Rob K said…
A round tuit! Brilliant!

I need a whole barrel of those things! Thanks, Valerie, for this insight, and now it's time to get a round tuit!
Bijoux said…
Happy birthday, Rob! I also made the mistake of scheduling a physical near my birthday this month. Never again! My gift to myself next year will be to go in September!
Happy birthday! :-)

I loved your quote. The more we wait for the perfect circumstances the faster life goes by.

Greetings from London.
Rob K said…
Thanks, Brother--and how true!
Rob K said…
@Bijoux--thank you so much! And, yes, next year wait till September!

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