Breaking News

I am happy to report that my father does not have colon cancer.

I found out this morning after I got out of the shower and found my father's doctor had left me a message. He said the MRI that my father had on Saturday came out negative--no cancer.

I can't say how relieved I was to hear that message. I had been sweating this out since last week when Dr. Pearlman first expressed his concerns about my father's health.

I told my family to brace themselves for some bad news--I told everyone but my father, actually--so this morning I made the same round of phone calls to pass on the good news.

And I want to thank my blogging buddies for their kindess and support in this scary couple of days. It is most appreciated, my friends, more than I can ever say.

I came home tonight and found my dad had another "accident" in the bathroom and, to make matters worse, he tried to clean it up himself.

I found myself cursing and complaining about having to put up with too much shit--literally and otherwise--and then I rememberd my prayers to St. Martin, to spare my dad from cancer. And then I shup up and continued cleaning.

My dad's going to need a shower, but he says he's tried, so I decided to let George, his aide from the V.A. do the job tomorrow morning when he gets in.

I guess I'm shirking my duties tonight, but I'm kind of beat. At least I'll be able to sleep better tonight.


Anonymous said…
Rob, I am so very happy to hear this news. I'd read your post before and had to run before I could finish it and comment. I found myself hurting for you. You've already been through so much, all I could do is pray for you which I did. I do believe in the power of prayer and divine intervention.
May the Angels watch over you and your Dad and may you be blessed with calm assurance. May your faith be bolstered, may you withstand the storm. All this I ask in Yeshua's name! Amen!
Rob K said…
Peace, Babs,

I am so lucky to have you guys on my side. Thanks for all your support and prayers during this scary time and I want to know that you can count me when the skies get dark in your part of the world.
I agree with Peace 100%. You're a "Mensch" and a damn' good one at that. I have much respect for your ability to care for an ailing parent,it's a choice not everyone would have made. (( HUGS ))
Rob K said…
Thanks, Donna, that cyber-hug feels great.
Rob K said…
My lucky day!

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