Golden Repair
“There is a crack, a crack in everything, that’s how the light gets in.” ---Leonard Cohen, Anthem Kintsugi is a Japanese art for repairing damaged pottery where powdered gold, silver or platinum is applied to the broken areas. The 400-year-old technique, also known kintsukuroi, or “golden repair,” treats breakage and repair as part an object's history, rather than something to disguise. Psychologists have applied the concept of kintsugi as a way of viewing emotional injuries so we that accept and embrace our problems and imperfections rather than try to hide them. I’d heard about the kintsugi years ago, but I googled it yesterday following a weird and ultimately wonderful dream I had that kicked off with me brawling with a total stranger and ended up with me meeting the love of my life. This mental midnight double feature occurred earlier in the week, and it started with a bang. For reasons that I don’t begin to understand, I’m in a small office somewhere kung-fu fig