OK Chorale
One of my favorite Rodney Dangerfield bits has the legendary don’t-get-no-respect comedian imploring his audience to give him the OK sign. “All my life, all I ever wanted was one of these,” Rodney said, joining his thumb and index finger and spreading his remaining digits. “I never got one of these.” It’s been a crazy week, with all sorts of nonsense chasing me down, driving me nuts, and refusing to go away. But I’ve decided to overlook all that grief and take a moment to blow my own horn, pat myself on the back, and give an OK sign to my own reflection for an incident that happened on Wednesday. I had strolled up to the 7/11 on Fulton Street to feed my bottomless Diet Coke habit and I wanted to treat myself—or abuse myself from a nutritional standpoint—by getting one of those big drinks with tons of ice. Yes, I know I shouldn’t be guzzling that swill at all, but there is a good side to this story, I promise. I loaded up one of those monstrous cups with ice cubs, stuck it on...