Guarding the House

Whenever we went on vacation, we always took our dogs with us. Kennels were absolutely out of the question as we considered our pets to be members of the family. You don't put your loved ones in a cage just because you feel like getting out of town for a few weeks. There were a few occasions, though, when we were staying at my aunt’s farmhouse in the Berkshires when we had to leave our dog, Casey, at the house. Usually we’d be going to the movies or dinner and it wouldn’t be right make him sit in the car for two or more hours. And just before we left my father would explain the situation to Casey. “Casey,” he’d say, “you have to stay home and guard the house. Guard the house .” My dad usually said it twice to drive the point home, but honestly he didn’t have to tell Casey even once. Dogs are natural born guardians, ready to lay down their lives for their loved ones without a moment’s hesitation. I thought about the dogs in our family recently when my sister and I made ...