All Clear

I was almost done removing the tape from the windows this afternoon when the wind started up again.
Trees were bending, dark ugly clouds tumbled through the sky, and I thought, here we go.. .
Hurricane Irene had been busted down to a tropical storm and was heading off to New England with her head hanging low.
But, of course, now that I had removed the protective tape from my windows, she would make a bloodthirsty U-turn and come roaring down my block shrieking “ I ain’t done with you yet, skinhead! ”
All right, so maybe I’m a little oversensitive, but it’s been rough couple of days.
I was trying not to worry about the storm, but it seemed like every five minutes we were getting reports of Irene’s destructive progress as she stomped her way up the East Coast.
Friends from all over the Internet wished me well, including one in Florida, which was kind of spooky since I always thought of the Sunshine State as a hurricane haven. If a Floridian is worried about you ma...