Glimmer Man
“Don’t live the same year 75 times and call it a life.” -- Robin Sharma There’s a scene in Woody Allen’s 1971 comedy Bananas where the hero, Fielding Mellish, must defend himself in court. “This trial is a travesty,” he declares, jumping to his feet. “It's a travesty of a mockery of a sham of a mockery of two mockeries of a sham.” I haven’t thought about that film in years, but that scene came popping into my head just a few days ago. At first, I wasn’t sure why, but I’m starting to believe that since we’re about to begin a new year, my cynical subconscious mind was making a not-to-subtle assessment of my ability to stick to my resolutions. Yeah, I still make New Year’s resolutions. It’s corny, especially at my advanced age, and I usually fall far short of all the grand promises I make, but I still can’t walk into January without some kind of road map—or at least the illusion of one. I need the fantasy. I want to believe that this year will be different than all those ...