Wheels and Bridges
"Yoga is the journey of the self, through the self, to the self." -- The Bhagavad Gita Was there really a time in my life when I could do the wheel pose? I have this vague, but distinct memory of being able to do Urdhva Dhanurasana or Upward Facing Bow with the greatest of ease. You get on your back, put your hands on the floor behind your head and use your arms and legs to push until your body forms an inverted U. Simple, right? Not only do I remember doing it, I remember how I used to enjoy doing it. I liked how it stretched out my back and gave me a different view of the world. Did I imagine all that? I’ve been going to my gym for cardio workouts—they recently hung up a heavy bag, thank God—but I haven’t gotten back to the weights yet, so I’m using bodyweight exercises for my strength training. It’s been a while since I’ve done the wheel pose—before I needed glasses and hearing aids--but I figured it was something akin to learning how to ride a bicy...