Chaos and Control
I was all set to raise some serious hell. I was preparing to do battle with my cable company and I had a chip on my shoulder, my nose out of joint, a bee in my bonnet and a massive bug up my ass. For months I have been struggling to get my remote control to function properly, but things were only getting worse. I had to press down on the buttons until my thumb ached, but I could barely change the channels. Certain channels wouldn’t come up at all, so I got into the habit of clicking a nearby number and working my way up or down to get to the station I wanted. I couldn’t get the Sundance Channel, for example, so I went to NY1’s Spanish language station and then clicked downward. While it was nice to hear the weather report in Spanish, I still wanted to watch my “Law & Order” reruns. But the very worst part of all this cropped up when I tried to watch TV shows I had recorded and I couldn’t fast-forward through the commercials. The whole point of getting the damn DVR w...