First Man Standing

I thought I was hearing things. I was sitting in my nice, comfy seat on the X27 bus Friday morning, all set to slip into my commuting coma. This is a blissful state of mind where I daydream, meditate and enjoy the occasional X-rated fantasy. And by “occasional,” of course, I mean “non-stop.” I was just about to step off into the abyss when a young woman got on the bus at 65th Street and stood right over me. I expected her to keep going until she found a seat when I realized that there probably were no seats left. I paused for just a moment before I looked up at her. “Would you like to sit down?” I asked. I’ve done this many times before. On each and every occasion the woman in question says “no, thank you,” and I cheerfully remain on my keester with a clear conscience. Only things were a little different this morning. Instead of saying “no, thank you,” this young lady said, “oh, thank you.” Oh, as in “oh, you mean you really want me to give you my seat?” Yes, that’s ...