Ring Rust

I came home on a recent Friday night, picked up the remote and channel surfed until I came upon a classic fight program. The footage was grainy and I recognized the voices of Marv Albert and Ferdie Pacheco, the “Fight Doctor,” who had called a lot of fights together during the 1980s. I was a big boxing fan back then. Inspired by Rocky , Hard Times , and other movies, I imagined myself as some kind of junior badass putting up my dukes and taking on the world. Now, of course, I know much better. Boxing and mixed martial arts matches are about the only sporting events I watch, even though I know the fighters are risking brain damage with every blow they absorb. I must say it’s getting harder for me to enjoy these fights because, as I get older, I realize how fragile human beings really are, no matter how fearsome they may look. I’ve been around long enough to see talented young athletes battered into feeble, overgrown children from years of head trauma that they suffered in the ...