Son of Thunder
I got down on my knees to receive communion at Trinity Church on Friday and saw that I was kneeling on St. James. Okay, I wasn’t actually kneeling on the Apostle James , son of Zebedee. Poor guy had enough problems without me getting on his case. No, this was a cushion bearing his name—one of 12 that line one side of the altar--and of all the saints I could have picked to rest my rickety knees upon, it seemed appropriate that I came down on St. James, who, together with his brother, John, were known as the “Sons of Thunder.” St. James figured prominently in my life last week. In addition to communion, I had my second crack at film directing at the School of Visual Arts on Wednesday, which was the Feast of St. James. I’ll be honest—it was a rough night. I didn’t feel terribly confident, but admittedly I was trying something a little different. I was doing a “walk and talk” where one actor walked toward the camera delivering his lines. My previous scene had been shot on a tripod...