All the Old, Familiar Places
There was a time many years ago when I was struggling to find my way. I had trouble holding on to a job, my physical health was bad and my mental condition was even worse. I was so upset that I went to my mother looking for some kind of guidance. “What’s going to happen to me?” I asked her in desperation. She paused for a moment, clearly upset at my state of mind. “Well, you know,” she said, “when I die, you’ll get money for this house.” My mother meant well, of course—she always did--and I know she was trying to comfort me. But those words really shook me up. Did my mother have to die before I could make something out of myself? If I were making a list of the lowest points in my life that conversation would certainly be in the top five. My mother and father are both gone now, I’ve found something like a career, and today we finally sold our parents’ house. After all the work, all the cleaning, all the worry and aggravation, everything came down to a few hours at a local bank. We si...