Next Stop Armageddon
There’s a tombstone in St. Paul’s Cemetery on Fulton Street with a biblical quote reading “The Souls of the Righteous are In God’s Hands.” It’s pretty hard to miss and whenever I see it, I can’t help but think “ and the rest of you losers are in very deep shit .” I’ve been thinking more about the End of Days these days. I suspect it has something to do with a pamphlet I recently read that predicted the Rapture is coming our way next spring. I picked up this item while walking through the Grand Central subway station on my way to the shuttle to Times Square. The passageway is a popular spot for musicians, prophets, and other assorted street performers who save souls or sing songs to the disinterested masses. You’ve got a built-in audience down there, especially during rush hour. On this particular day I saw a sign taped to a pillar proclaiming “ The End of the World is Almost Here! Holy God Will Bring Judgment Day on May 21, 2011! ” The world is going to end in less a year? Holy crap! I...